Saturday, September 8, 2012

M4A3E8 Research Path

Might as well do another one of these before I take a short break. Anyway, here is my favorite tank (currently, it's about to be surpassed by the Super Pershing) and well, don't know what else to say other than happy thanksgiving! It's not thanksgiving I know, but that was in my head. Once again, this research path guide assumes that you have none of the modules unlocked from previous tanks.

  1. Gun: 76 mm Gun M1A1
  2. Engine: Wright C. R-975C4
  3. Turret: D51080
  4. Gun: 76 mm Gun M1A2
  5. Engine: Ford GAA
  6. Radio: SCR 506
  7. Tracks: NVSS T80
  8. Gun: 105 mm SPH M4L23
  9. Tanks: T20 or M36

At this tier, you really should not use the 105 mm. It may have been adequate for your lovely M4 Sherman but it really does get wasted on this tank. The M4A3E8 (or Easy 8) is an excellent flanking tank and you want to pump as many shots as you can into the rears of higher tiered tanks. The 105 mm lacks the penetration to get the job done so this is where the 76 mm M1A2 comes in. 

Also, this tank has more than enough load limit to go around so you can research the tracks last. It just makes your life easier when you do get them and you'll find the grind to the T20 or the M36 quite enjoyable. 

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